

It is the one and the same absolute that shines and formulates the universe within and the multiversity without.

There is an un-lit lamp that always shines within witnessing everything that is happening. One should constantly relate oneself with this guiding star of light.

If one cannot stabilize oneself in the knowledge of the self, one should relate oneself to a wise sage who has crossed over the myriads of becoming by discovering for himself the secret of the triple states of the wakeful, the dreaming and the unconscious, without being disturbed from his transcendental point.

It is possible for one, through an act of reasoning, to become devoid of one’s physical ego, but only with grace can one dissolve away one’s social and spiritual egos.

It is the one and only primal reality that is seen here and now as the world. Apart from this there is not a separate reality. To a wise man, this world is a garland strung with the finest values man can conceive of.

The happiness of another is my happiness one’s own joy is another’s joy. This is the guiding principle! That action which is good for one person should bring happiness to another.

Day and night the compassionate man engages himself in action that is beneficial to all, while the self-centered man makes himself miserable by being wholly immersed in necessity, leading to moral failure.

Whatever is good for one person but bringing in misery to another, such actions are opposed to the self.

For the man who offers his mind-flowers to worship god, there is no other work to do.

Even those of good action are caught by nature and whirled round in vicious circles, one should know that non-action does not bring release from perverted action, only the non-desire for the fruit of action.

All beings are making effort in every way, all the time, for the happiness of the self. In the world, this is the one faith. Pondering on this, without becoming subjected to sin, be controlled.

Let him live in his own home, or in the forest, or at the water’s edge. No matter! With mid ever fixed in the absolute, the yogi ever dwells, seeing all here in terms of self-hood.

Grace, love mercy, all the three stand for the same reality life’s star. He who loves is he who really lives!

Like a mirage in a desert land, he enjoys bliss, that silent one, contemplating that absolute supreme which is beyond all compare.

When self-knowledge shrinks, then prevails nescience fearful, ghost-like, taking name and form, in most terrible fashion looms here.

The power of knowledge is endless, the end of all this can be marked as sameness and the other thus, in this way there are two divisions, in this merging the other with sameness one should remain awake to that clear state of being.

Innumerable particles of dust inhere in earth and there is no difference in the earth that constitutes the particles. Just as inert matter exists in consciousness finds its expression here in the body, therefore, when contemplated, this is one.

There is no death, or birth, or existence man, gods and all such are names and forms.

“Told by Narayana Guru”

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